Near Schoorl you can find the highest dunes of the Netherlands. In the centre of Schoorl is the famous climbing-dune with pleasant sidewalk cafés and restaurants. But Schoorl has much more to offer, like a hike in the vast wooded dune-area behind the climbing-dune where you will be guided by coloured posts through the dunes on easy to walk paths. You can also traverse the dunes by bike and for the daredevils there is a special mountain bike route.
The Schoorl Sea Road will lead you straight to the beach and half-way you can enjoy a drink at the Berenkuil. It is very interesting to pay a call at the visitor's centre Het Zandspoor, Access to the beaches of Hargen and Camperduin can easily be reached by bus, car or bycle.
Coming from the A9 Amsterdam - Alkmaar, follow the right lane after the 'end of highway' sign, direction Den Helder. At the roundabout Kooimeer please take the third exit to the N9, direction Den Helder.
Keep following direction Den Helder. You will pass the exits, Heiloo, Egmond, then take the exit Bergen (Westvleugel). Follow this road until the second roundabout, go straight on, direction Schoorl.
In Schoorl, please follow the signs leading to Camperduin. You are now driving on the Voorweg, which changes into Heereweg after a few kilometres. The house is number 161 on your left.