The romantic health resort merchandise with its historic old harbor and the inimitable flair, offers many shops, cinema, club, climbing forest, Müritzeum and much more ...
Here in Carefree see a varied scenic and beautiful surroundings a haven of tranquility.
Within 15 minutes walk you are at the lake.
Carefree - a dreamy place amid the Mecklenburg Lake District
The unique forest and lake scenery is not only a paradise for cranes, cormorants, sea and fish eagles, storks, butterflies and dragonflies, but also one of the finest leisure and recreation areas in Germany for hikers, cyclists, horseback riders, anglers, canoeists, sailors, surfers and boaters.
And in the middle of this paradise lies Carefree - only 12 km from Waren (Müritz), the romantic health resort on the north shore of Lake Müritz. Just a 15 minute walk and then they're on Varchentiner lake where you can swim and fish beautifully.
A19 junction goods leave,
in goods continue towards Neubrandenburg (B192),
in small plastic then left towards Stavenhagen (B194),
After about 1.5 km turn left towards large-Gievitz / Deven,
the very next place after Deven is Carefree.
Once here, just take the first left