Your room is your own very private world. Everything you need is at hand, giving you the option to be private or social, as the mood suits.
You’ll love the fact that all your needs have...
Special features
Fine food is feature: “superb – and done with panache...this place is a treasure”. Lyn Barnes, Food & Wine Editor, New Zealand Life & Leisure, Feb’ 2009. Frommers New Zealand Guide – “superb cooks, you’ll eat...
Are you traveling to enjoy authentic experiences? Where can you experience the ‘real’ Queenstown.
Do you choose the ‘built environment’ of the city centre, noisy & trafficked by 21,000 cars daily, or the relaxed cadence of the historic quarter - Arrowtown. Peaceful & charming - here you find Arrowtown House.
Convenient location, 2-min walk from 20 bars & restaurants including ‘Saffron’ restaurant, rated in the ‘Worlds Top 100’ by Conde Nast Traveler. Luxury accommodation, king-sized beds.
Wi-Fi is free. All rooms feature a private laundry & for snacks, a bar with microwave oven.
The Arrowtown Quarter is a leafy enclave surrounded by mountains, bordered by golf courses. 15-min from downtown - a world removed.